Evangelism at a Square in Trieste: Songs and Testimonies
A choice of songs and testimonies given during the outreach follows.
"Noi predichiamo Cristo" ("We preach Christ"). The tree evenings started with this hymn
Testimony of Fabiana
"Amazing Grace"
Testimony of Antonio
"Dio aprirà una via" ("God will make a way")
Testimony of Annamaria
"Mi rialzerai" ("You will lift me up again")
Testimony of Alessandro
"Alleluia Cristo vive in me" ("Hallelujah Christ lives in me")
"Gesù t'innalziamo" ("Jesus, we lift You up")
"Gloria ed onore" ("Glory and honour")
"Grande è il mio Dio" ("How great is my God")
"Gridiam di gioia" ("We shout with joy")
"Il tuo amor" ("Your Love")
"Io so che il Redentore vive" ("I know that my Redeemer lives")
"Meraviglioso sei" ("You are Marvellous")
"Nel sangue di Gesù" ("In the Blood of Jesus")
"Su quella croce" ("On the Cross")
"Ti benedirò" ("I will bless You")